Episode 4

Emotional Intelligence

Let’s equip them to deal with their own mental and emotional States. They should be familiar with all the feelings of Happiness, Thrill, Failure and Frustration. But how? They will develop their own mechanism to deal with it. Let them talk about it freely without feeling apologetic, thereby, they will develop greater confidence and resilience. They will be also more empathetic.

Dealing with Failure

“Failure is the stepping stone of success.”

It’s okay, if they fail. The way you deal with failure decides, how your child will overcome all be set backs in his/her life. Today, every country, in the world is working on the reformation of Public Education. People talk about uniqueness of education in every country.

The top five are:

Finland: They say Finnish education system is the best in the world. They start late at age of 7 and their education emphasizes respect for each child, individuality and chance for each child to develop as a unique person.

Japan: In Japan, “Manners are taught before knowledge. The students clean their schools themselves. No exam till the age of 10 years.”

Korea: At Korea, Education is with “Strong Academic focus” and the students are intensively competitive.

Singapore: Education in Singapore is highly Pragmatic. Students not only learn the theory, but they learn to apply the knowledge gained though ciritical thinking

UK: In UK, the schooling pedagogy emphasizes be role of imagination in learning, striving to integrate the intellectual, practical and artistic development of pupils in a holistic manner.

Most of the schools in Hong Kong also, follow UK method of school education. Even in our Ancient Indian Gurukulam system, we had all the methods followed by the above top 5 countries of the World in Education. Lord Macaulay in 1835, brought the New Education Act for the British India, for want of people who can do clerical jobs. Hence our education pattern is such that students are not allowed to think themselves but to learn what is given to them. And that’s why, Innovators in India are still less numbered.

Long Before 1835, Indians were the first Inventors and Scientists of many things in this world. Now, the Indian Education is on a major reformation stage where,

  • Indian Culture is taught
  • Western Ideas are taught
  • Students are encouraged for new ideas.
Dear Parents,
From today, instead of asking your children,
“How many marks did you score in the Exam”, Start asking “What ideas did you think of today?”
- Sir Ken Robinson

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